Foods That Are Rich in Potassium
Banana is the number one item in the list of potassium rich foods. One medium banana (about 118 grams) already has 467 potassium per mgs. Aside from this fruit, there are numerous other foods which can also provide high amounts of potassium like avocado, dried apricots, cantaloupe, raisins and dates.
You can also get it from fish like tuna halibut, salmon and trout. Vegetables like artichoke, lentil, broccoli and Brussels sprouts are potassium rich foods too. Even dairy products like non fat milk and low fat yogurt can be good sources.
Before you even start stashing pills in your body, you might want to do some alterations with your diet first. After all, nothing beats the natural way of dealing with hypertension.
The Importance of Iron From Food
To be able to avoid this type of anemia, it is important to eat sufficient amount of iron rich foods. These are important since losing iron could occur during typical daily activities like urination, defecation, sweating and menstruation for women. Ideally, an average adult has to consume at least 18 mg of iron daily. This will increase though if iron deficiency anemia has to be resolved or for special cases like bleeding during pregnancy.
If you are changing your diet and incorporating iron rich foods, you should understand that there are two different types of iron. Foods which can from animals have heme iron. This type is easily absorbed by the body. On the other hand, vegetables have non-heme iron. These can still be used up by the body but it is not easily absorbed.
The highest level of iron can be obtained from foods like pinto and kidney beans, liver of animals that are organically raised, rice bran, lentils, organic dried peaches, prune juice, black strap molasses and raw beet greens. These iron rich foods have more than 5 mg or iron in every serving.
Average amount of iron can be gained from apricots, dates, lean cut of meat, spinach, chilli and lima beans. These iron rich foods are packed with about 3 to 5 mg of iron per serving.
The list of foods that have impressive amount of iron does not end there yet. You can also indulge in seafood like clams, oyster, mussels and shrimp. Pumpkin seeds, baked potato with skin, sardines and liver from chicken, pork or beef would do great too.
There are available meds and supplements which could provide iron for your body too. These can be effective. However, it is still best to consume iron that is in its rawest form. The iron which you can get from organic and natural food has impressive effects on your body because this is not processed or altered in any way.
7 Darker Chocolate Health Benefits :
1. Cardiac Arrest and Stroke Protection - Dark chocolate lowers blood pressure and reduces clogged artery congestion, thus lowering the risks of heart attacks and strokes. It does this by co-creating nitric oxide (NO), a proven blood vessel vasodilator. Dark chocolate’s cacao is also high in magnesium, which also contributes heavily to heart health. Most people are magnesium deficient, by the way.
2. Reduces Risk of Colon Cancer - Cocoa polyphenols from dark chocolate reduce the risk of colorectal cancer. This was determined in a study by the Science and Technology Institute of Food and Nutrition in Spain, which was published in the journal Molecular Nutrition. That study is explained here.
3. Healthy Fats - The fat in chocolate is abundant oleic acid, the type of fatty acid found in olive oil which helps prevent heart disease and promote antioxidant activity. Other healthy fats in cacao are stearic acid and palmitic acid. Just avoid milk chocolate.
4. Enhances Glucose Metabolism - Dark chocolate (70% plus cacao) candy inhibits blood sugar issues to help prevent diabetes and obesity. Surprising, eh? You can find dark chocolate candy bars that are as high as 90% cacao. Once you get over the addicted taste with those cheap milk chocolate candies, you’ll find dark chocolate so tasty you won’t go back to those other candies.
5. Improves Mood - Studies have shown that dark chocolate contains serotonin and increases endorphin production. It’s a natural anti-depressant.
6. Improves Brain Function - Nottingham University professor Ian MacDonald used MRI analysis to determine improved brain activity with people who had just consumed cocoa drinks. Hopefully they didn’t have to undergo too many MRI scans that would fry their improved brains!
7. Eases PMS Issues - Here’s why husbands and boyfriends should give dark chocolate to their wives or girlfriends.